Wednesday 10 November 2010

I'm Back Baby :D

It's been a while, I've been too busy/lazy to post but I'm now back and this blog will now include even more random shit that happens in my life as I am now in COLLEGE!, please follow my blog and comment posts and have a look through the previous posts if you havent seen them all theres also a couple uploaded videos about. As Timothy DeLaGhetto would say LOVE PEACE SKEET AND CHEESE

Monday 19 July 2010

Now Everybody Can Comment :)

I changed some setting and now even non-member followers/readers of my blog can comment all you have to do is follow these very simple steps

Step 1. Under the post it will say (insert number here) comments, click this

Step 2. Beside (Comment as) select Name/URL from the drop down menu

Step 3. After you select this option a pop up box will show up as in the image below

Step 4. Just type your name wether its your full name or your first name and surname initial 

Step 5. Click continue and your done :)

Friday 16 July 2010

A Big Gap In Posts

Well there was supposed to be a six week update but I couldn't be bothered to do it due to the time it takes to upload photos so I'm going back to my dailly posts again :)

Saturday 29 May 2010

Heres what I bought

Here's a cap I bought and have received today

Superman shirt on its way
Ironman cap I bought still on its way
I wanted this hat but its rare and a limited edition so only a few were made and the only way to get it is to buy it off someone else and nobody is selling it in my size and the eyes glow in the dark which is a cool feature

I bought this iron man 2 shirt which is meant to look like the new armour from the film and the chestpiece glows as well, still on its way

And I bought 4 checkered shirts 1 with a hoody 1 with a tie lol 1 jacket and a belt also on its way still

the outfit from the previous post is out of the question now as the shipping charges were to expensive and also tax has to be paid for the items to enter the country which is more of a waste

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Possible New Outfit ?

Wooh, Passed the 25 post boundary

Here are are a couple of pics I took of Rex today you can see how much he's grown
Showing off the guns lol

And finally a bead update

Super Mario Mushroom Bling

Lol I just realised I connected the chain wrong one side is higher, I'll sort that out now

Update: I broke the mushroom so Here's another to enjoy lol

And now I can't find the blue mushroom it's in my room somewhere but I did find my Kermit Design so here's Kermit on a chain.

It's Kermit you muppet

The Superman Logo

Ans that concludes today's post =)

Tuesday 25 May 2010

My Day Was Saved :) / Boobs & Burgers

So today I was hoping to go out with my buddy's Jade H and Jade L but apparently the lil chicken leg fetus face (Jade L) didn't want to come out oh well shit happens, life goes on (Our Saying) anyways again I worked my magic powers and got Jade H a day off work which was wasted as I didn't want to go out today as a pair I wanted to go out in a crowd of at least 3 because the more the merrier. Anyways today I done some designs from Hama beads for a necklace for by buddy Louis B, he wanted a custom Lady Gaga chain he's Gaga mad so i done some practice design not definite on them though he hasn't given me any ideas to work with so they might look a little poo but oh well.

Designs are not complete they need outlining and the colour shown aren't the final colours
oh one wiggled off the peg
A crazy design for a crazy guy
anyways enough of my waste beads

So after I told Jade that our outing today wasn't going to happen my dad came home and he said let's take the dog to the park and we can play catch lol (If you read the previous posts you would know I dropped my catch at cricket so I gotta lil practice and had fun with my dad for once. Good times, I didn't bring my camera but I found some pictures on Google and decided to use the instead lol, enjoy.

Not quite me but at least they're black LMAO

Then I found this and was like this is more like it Me = Chubby Kid, doesn't really look like me either but oh well

so when I got back home from the park my dad put on some burgers to cook and sent me to the shop to get some burger buns and also picked up a bottle of relish and just so happened to buy a Max Power magazine

Max Power, Cars + Sexy Women + Juicy Burger = Big Fat Boner and a satisfied tummy

 The burger meat was bigger than the meat lol and bigger than my head my dad laughed when he saw me bring back these small buns he was like didn't you see the burger I was like no then saw the burger and was like dammmmmmmmn, get in my belly.

The Co-operative seeded burger buns

Tesco Ultimate Burger - Now I know why they named it this

Branston Red Chilli and Jalapeno Relish

Tesco Mild Cheddar Cheese Slice

All these things combined created the ultimate burger and happiness in my tummy